Author Archives: smscott2

About smscott2

Adventure is something I think we all crave in some form - whether in body, through an inquiring mind or while we sleep in our dream time. Come with me and explore new places, new thoughts and new dreams.

The tyranny of fear

Be a light in the darkness.

As I sit on the terrace I feel the ominous winds of discontent. The clouds are grey.

I wonder how is it that the ideas of a few can dictate the lives of the many? Rules are passed to limit freedoms and quickly spread between nations without restraint. People are being manipulated into medical experimentation and turned against each other.

Have we forgotten 1920s pre-war Europe and the rise of dictatorships?

We are all born equal in the mind of Prime Creator. Your mind is a unique facet of the mind of Creation, of the intelligent organising force of the Universe. Tyranny is not the natural way.

Man’s laws are not Universal laws. Have we not learned from the past? When leaders dictate rules that seek to divide and enforce the population to act out of fear, this is enslavement. Lets heal the wounds and injustice of the past and not repeat them.

How did humanity allow the horror of the Holocaust occur but for the tyranny of fear and the inaction of many? Have we learned nothing in hindsight? Mind-control is not new. Advertisers have been perfecting it for years. Start thinking and questioning – Is this right? The decisions you make can have wide-ranging consequences.

Technology is separating us from nature. Take time out from it to reconnect with the real world. Nature is what really nurtures and balances us. The messages are there if you care to look and listen.

Mantra from Spirit

Ask and then allow the strength of these qualities to flow.

After an interesting meditation to connect with different levels of our Being, this message came through in the dream state as a kind of mantra of support to ask our Higher Self/Spirit/Guardian Angels to help keep on track:

“Give me insight, give me knowledge, give me truth, give me courage.”

Hope you find it helpful too.

Trust in a Crab Apple – Divinely guided

Are we divinely guided? According to Flower Therapy, crab apples mean trust.

I’m always amazed at the synchronicity in life. You know when something just falls into place or you realise a deeper meaning.

When first writing my manuscript Alurea Quest (or The Quest of Jesse Greene) I drew on a childhood memory of playing in the crab apple trees of my auntie’s farmhouse. I remember an early photo of me aged perhaps six or seven, with rosy red cheeks perched high in the tree. The sourness and misshapen wonder of the fruit have stayed a vivid memory to this day.

Doing a rewrite of the story some five years after finishing the first draft, I took a break and picked up the Flower Therapy book by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves. I had borrowed from the local library and opened it one night, rather surprised to find Crab Apple among the flower entries.

Reading the descriptions I was even more surprised at the meanings and how fitting they were to both the story and my current situation.

Its energetic properties included: “Trust … following guidance, brainstorming new concepts, and sharing your ideas with the world.”

All these are major themes in Alurea Quest – Heart of the Maya. It is at the crab apple tree that Jesse has to trust Percival Mouse and follow his guidance. This is where he must trust the path ahead of him.

According to Angel Therapy’s Doreen Virtue, Crab Apple is associated with Archangel Gabriel – the Divine messenger and angel of communication. A good companion for any writer.

Flower Therapy continues: “This flower confirms you’re on the right path and encourages you to continue. The main theme of Crab Apple is trust: you are asked to have faith in the guidance that you’ve been given. It won’t be long until your idea is ready to be shared with the world.”

It was the perfect choice for this part in Jesse’s journey. Looking at it now, I believe Gabriel must have had a hand in it. As Doreen writes: “This arch­angel acts like a Heavenly agent and manager who motivates you to polish your skills. Gabriel then opens the door of opportunity for you to work in your chosen career, and gives you a loving push through it if you hesitate.”

Reading Crab Apples message came at just the right time, as I was doing the rewrite under pressure to enter the State Literary Awards:

“Trust in your new idea, as it is no ordinary one; rather, it’s Divine inspiration … I’m here to confirm this for you, and assure you that you’re making the right decision. I’ll guide you as you move forwards with this idea. It may be time to come to fruition, so please be patient. I will bring you the tools, people and money you need… you’re ready to break through your walls. Show the world the beautiful idea you’re bringing into it.” – Flower Therapy

It certainly gave me the inspiration to push through. I’m at the halfway point with less than a week to finish the rewrite.

Wish me luck – and I’m trusting Gabriel has my back.

Engage all your senses

Life is about living – fully engaging all your senses.

With today’s modern technology so much is done on computers that our sense of sight – vision – is often dominant. It’s not like you can smell what’s on the screen or taste the food (not yet anyway). However there are so many memories and associations that are linked into our other senses – taste, touch, smell, sound and even the sixth sense of “gut feelings” that activate our emotions and enrich our lives.

Thoughts are so powerful, and combined with emotions, can take you almost anywhere. Such is the craft of a storyteller.

This is a memory of my childhood when I would walk up the hill behind our home to relax after school.

Reaching the top of the hill I would sit on the bare dirt and just let the thoughts of the day go – forgetting about anyone and anything that might be bothering me.

Finding an elevated site to sit and relax helps to lift you out of your troubles and gives you a different perspective.

Finding an elevated site to sit and relax helps to lift you out of your troubles and gives you a different perspective.

As the clamour of thoughts started to drift away with the gentle caress of the afternoon breeze, I could hear the distant hum of cars on the highway in the valley behind me and the rustling of the wind in the nearby trees.

Closing my eyes drew my other senses into focus. My skin felt clammy with the high humidity and a pungent, celery-like scent wafted in the air. My mind filled with images of the first time I had encountered the smell. It was when the family moved north to the tropics, taking the Easter school holidays to travel up the coast.

Life was a great adventure then. The week-long drive felt like a month off school. There were so many new, exciting things to discover and places to see. Like the celery-scented vine. We used our noses to sniff out where it was coming from, discovering a vine with weird, tendril-wrapped balloon-like seed pods. And how they were all excited at the first coconut they saw growing. I laugh now remembering how we were amazed at the size of it; not realising there was a thick, fibrous husk around the nut. Even trying to climb the coconut palm was a challenge, and then finding a way to remove the husk once they managed to knock a nut down. Everyone got involved, trying to smash the coconut with a hammer or saw it open, using different tools until someone had the bright idea of stabbing it with a screwdriver and leveraging the husk off.

Coconut palms at Clifton Beach. Councils remove the coconuts for safety reasons but is it taking away one of life's simple joys?

Coconut palms at Clifton Beach. Councils remove the coconuts for safety reasons but is it taking away one of life’s simple joys?

As we get older and caught up in the worries of the mind we tend to forget to find the fun in life’s simple pleasures. Councils decide to cut down coconut palms because the nuts become a hazard in cyclones or may drop on some unwitting person’s head.

Are we taking the joy out of life for future generations, so intent on staying indoors that they miss the incredible sensory input nature is constantly giving us?

What memories will they treasure do you think?

Cruising in the Spiritual Zone

Once upon a time it was believed you had to escape to some remote community, mountain top or sacred cave to find spiritual insight and inner peace. These days it’s more likely to come on a luxury cruise liner with a few hundred other people all dancing and laughing together.

Alaska ship

Relaxation and releasing struggle is a sure way to alignment. Why not do it in luxury?

The idea of ‘vibrational resonance’ is the key to this change of heart. It’s the idea that when like-minded people gather together in joy and common intent, wondrous things can happen – inner peace included. This is spiritual cruising at its best, sort of like an ocean pilgrimage.

I succumbed recently and found inner peace, insight and exciting interactions with some 600 other Abraham-sters on a week-long Vortex of Attraction Cruise to Alaska 2015. We cruised on the 15-level Celebrity Solstice from Seattle, with 12 hours of workshops with Esther Hicks channeling Abraham, of The Law of Attraction fame. Our physical needs were taken care of in the lap of luxury, freeing our minds and hearts to explore the depths of our spirit and universal questioning. Not everyone aboard was signed up for the Abraham-Hicks seminars, but there were enough of us to be noticed and bring an atmosphere of open-heartedness to the ship. For some it was their 8th voyage with Esther.

There are plenty of Abraham videos on YouTube to view, but it is not the same as being in the theatre with Esther Hicks on stage and heart-felt questions coming from the Hot Seat. There seems to be a greater comprehension as your mind and body are uplifted to resonate with the answers. I found any question I had was answered, and many questions I had posed years previously were also resolved over the course of sessions.

The inner peace came from the recognition that so many others were in the same boat as myself, metaphorically and literally. Many of us felt at crossroads in life, wanting something better, feeling confusion as to the best path to take. The answer was to let go of our addiction to struggle and resistance to doing what was good for us and just going with our inspiration.

The answers we received were universal. Wayward beliefs were clarified. Intellectual ideas became felt as a ‘knowing’ in the cells of your being.

Among the gems of understanding were to stop waiting for others to understand you, because you become frustrated when they don’t – sending you out of your alignment.

Sometimes we feel the need to justify a happy heart to those who don’t have one. But Abraham says stop trying to change other people. Happiness is contagious, and often easier with strangers because of our non-attachment to the outcome (eg. wanting loved ones to be happy when they don’t want to be happy). If people ant what you offer they will gravitate to your happiness. You don’t have to prove it to anyone. Your freedom only comes when you can keep your nose out of other people’s business.

One of the key understandings that became more ‘cemented’ for me was that you don’t need to know where you are going – just line up with your Inner Source and it will give you the inspiration towards the next logical step. When you are in alignment, you become a co-operative part of the unfolding. Our human role is to listen and channel the energy of Source into the manifest/physical reality. And take comfort in the thought that it really is your (inner) Self in non-physical that is prompting you to that expansion. You can trust it. Align with this inner self and it will take you where you need to be. The journey isn’t always a straight one – as Esther found out herself as she was led the long way around the dining room to her table by her waiter – but at least it allowed everyone to see her on the first night.

What I found most powerful was Abraham’s comment that all non-physical energies are focused here and now on us in this point in time. It sounded so important. This is the timing of our physical bodies becoming aligned to carry the fullness of our non-physical selves – to be infused with Source and the fullness of our Inner Self – to be as much as we can be.

Abraham said all the components we need are here – shifting and moving so we can line up with them as we listen and follow our heart’s promptings. The joy is in the dance of lining up with each note in our life (and we had a great night of uninhibited dancing on board). And following as each note and tone flows to the next (as each thought/emotion moves to direct us to the next better feeling thought).


U-shape valley carved by glacier in Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska

And so unfolds the symphony of life/creation.

It really did make you feel like this is such an incredible time and place to be in.

When you are in alignment with your inner self, inspiration and events will flow naturally. With the speed of our modern life we are prone to overwhelm. Abraham’s answer in the face of overwhelm is that sometimes doing less can produce more. There are limits to how much activity we can do in a set time, he said. Taking time out to relax and align with a better feeling, replenishing your energy and vitality, helps you to hear the promptings of source which will create more ease and flow.

So taking a cruise, where everything is taken care of, gives you the alignment to hear the inspiration of source and feel at peace – for a while at least. It’s the perfect solution for getting in the ‘zone’.

Abraham-Esther Hicks is cruising Down Under in October 2015 with another South Pacific Cruise – the weather is sure to be balmy and the ocean views incredible.

  • Sheree Scott is a freelance writer and massage therapist based in Kuranda, Australia. You can connect with her on Facebook at AuthorSMScott

Starry, starry reflection – a poem

Reclining in the cold dark night, alert for sons of Perseids

Flashes of light – a brief instant in time

I await each arrival, shivering,

Unwilling to miss a single one

Doggedly scanning for the next flash – a searing trail of space dust.

While the world around me sleeps

I breathe in the quiet

Relax in the dark

And listen.


For the whispers of the Inner Self,

Reflected in the expansiveness of the silent night

Billions upon billions of stars,

Reflecting our eternal light.

A warm breeze caresses my cheek,

How strange amid temperatures so bleak.

It should be coldest before the dawn.

Answers evade me, time to sleep.

Good night good night,

My thanks for your restoring light.

– by SM Scott

The Quest of Jesse Greene – Heart of the Maya

A powerful Mayan artifact catapults Jesse into a strange wilderness where he must face his darkest fears with only his wits to survive. Guided by the wisdom of animals he encounters along the way, he finds courage to meet the Gatekeeper’s challenge – but will he find his way home?

Keep updated on all the characters and story developments with a new Quest of Jesse Greene category on my blog site as I bring this multidimensional story into our reality.

Join me for a journey through time and space. It’s exciting and inspirational!

– SM Scott

Live fearlessly!

“Go back and live your life fearlessly!”

 - Anita Moorjani from Dying To Be Me

These simple words formed a mantra that kept Anita on track for what was important in her life after a near death experience. Thankfully we don’t need to share the experience of death to gain the wisdom of her words. Just let go of our fear! ….and taking baby steps is fine – one fear at a time. It’s liberating when you can do it. And it’s amazing how they dissolve when you trust the universe is there to support you – we just have to listen to our inner voice (the one that is loving and only whats the best for you).

World Water Day – March 22, 2015

The clouds are busy today, building and shifting with the tempting promise of rain. Billowing white in places with a smudging of grey undertones. The potential is there, hope is there. It’s timely perhaps as today is March 22, 2015 – World Water Day.

Water is an amazing substance – it is the only liquid that expands as it freezes and can exist in the three states of matter at the same time – liquid, solid and vapour. Take some time to appreciate water today. It it vital for life – give it the respect it deserves.

Isabella Falls has some good water saving ideas such as this one –   Use your water meter to check for hidden water leaks
Read the water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.

I like to keep a bucket under a gutter outlet to catch rainwater to water my potplants – the plants grow much better as the rain is alive with vitality and free from the chemicals of our water treatment systems.