Tag Archives: Hope

When life gets too much

When life gets you down take comfort in the thought that this too will pass- Picture credit: Jon Eckert

A young girl in our beautiful valley has taken her own life. What makes a 13-year-old feel their predicament is so hopeless? Why didn’t she talk to someone who could help?
Could this tragedy have been prevented?
It seems farmers are also killing themselves at the rate of one every four weeks in Queensland, politicians say. They see no future what with overwhelming debts, drought and death all around them. But we always have choice, even when we don’t know it.
We are losing too many individuals – be they young or older – and whatever talents and creativity they may have enriched our world with. Is it overwhelm? Hopelessness?
I have my bad days but when I do I think “This too shall pass” (an old Persian saying about the inevitable nature of change).
And you know what – it always does.
Take heart and reach for hope any way you can.