Category Archives: Poetry

Starry, starry reflection – a poem

Reclining in the cold dark night, alert for sons of Perseids

Flashes of light – a brief instant in time

I await each arrival, shivering,

Unwilling to miss a single one

Doggedly scanning for the next flash – a searing trail of space dust.

While the world around me sleeps

I breathe in the quiet

Relax in the dark

And listen.


For the whispers of the Inner Self,

Reflected in the expansiveness of the silent night

Billions upon billions of stars,

Reflecting our eternal light.

A warm breeze caresses my cheek,

How strange amid temperatures so bleak.

It should be coldest before the dawn.

Answers evade me, time to sleep.

Good night good night,

My thanks for your restoring light.

– by SM Scott

The Winds of Change – a poem

As I carried my cup of tea onto the terrace this morning I was greeted by a brown hawk in flight, barely three metres away from me at eye level. My heart lifted, I called out to others to come and see. No one came.
It circled around a nearby tree and came back for another pass, wingtips rippling in the strong easterly wind. Elation flooded me. What a gift – so close. It circled one more time and disappeared over the treetops into the east. Spirit has sent me a message – it’s time to listen and look for clues.
Sitting there thinking how lucky I was I remembered a poem I wrote in 1994:

The Winds of Change
The winds of change blow strong
Stirring your emotions
One moment calm, yet stifling and hot
You are in the depths of despair and exhaustion;
Nothing is fun.
Next they whip up fiercely
Blowing away the cobwebs;
Invigorating, sweeping your emotions along with them.
In the cool of night they blow strongest
Voicing their mighty power.
Yet you are safe inside – calm within the storm.
To stand outside is inspiring;
The wintry winds hold promise of a fruitful spring.
Speak to me, oh wind, of what is my destiny!

– SM Scott